Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cooling Off.......

After going to a bike race in 100 degree weather it felt good to cool off in the pool....I love the lighting in some of these photos.......sunset colors.........don't mind the power poles though!!!

Summer FUN

Summer is here and the living is fine......We have had 100 Degree days and it's been great having the pool. We had all the cousins over last weekend for a fathers day BBQ. Lots of cousin fun that day!!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Evening Swim Anyone?

We got some nice evening swims in last weekend....the water said it was about 80 and after being super hot all day it was nice to cool off......

I love water......

Just looking out from the house to the pool is so relaxing. I love the color of the water.

Wolf 11
Lexi 6
Too much salt in the adding some extra water

I got Lexi a smaller size pole because she loves to help clean out the leaves and bugs!!

Rob finally hung my birthday clock up!!! I love it!!! Thanks Peeps!!